and Chante's family is complete with birth of son
Singers and real life husband and wife couple Kenny
Lattimore and Chante Moore
recently added a new edition to the family fold. They just became
the proud parents of their first child together - a boy called Kenneth
Lee Lattimore Jr.
Kenny Jr Kenny Jr. was born
Thursday morning April 10th (the same day as his father Kenny Sr.)
at 7:57 a.m. He weighed in at nine pounds even and twenty inches
long he's healthy and in good spirit and mom Chante came through
with flying colours as both are doing as well as can be expected.
is back to stay
of my favourite soul music sites
was brought under pressure last month when a big wig book publisher
came after Toby Walker's
excellent website siting that he had 'stole' information from
them leading them to lay a lawsuit on the man . Well good news
my friends, that was then, and this is now.
Toby stressed his case to
them by appealing to their good nature in the matter and now his
site is back but with a difference. It will still have the same
informative details on artists and the bios but it will be restricted
to only certain information about them. Audio streams will still
be available so you can listen to both the latest and classic tracks.
Toby, glad to have you back mate - an awesome site like yours should
NEVER be put on hiatus.
Sir TY
the new Jennifer Lopez (aka
J-Lo)'s video yet? Remember
the movie 'Flashdance' from
the 80s (1984 I think) starring Jennifer
Beals well J-Lo's decided to put in a tribute of her
own by copying the movie's sentiments.
J-Lo it seems was a fan of
the movie and when director David LaChappelle
came to her with the idea for a spin on the movie she said 'sure,
run with it'. The record called 'I'm Glad'
sees J-Lo sports all the gear that Jennifer wore in the movie including
the oversized sweatshirt and leg warmers (worn by the millions back
The video made it's MTV debut
last week.