Third time lucky walking down the isle?
I must say the girl is persisitant and just doesn't like being alone.
Most of us when we break up with someone we love you take time for
yourself to gather yourself but not so is the case for this lass.
In November of last year just weeks after her engagement ended with
then fiancee Ben Afflect,
Jennifer 'J-Lo'
Lopez was getting herself reacquainted
with former beau Marc Anthony
who was married at the time.
- Skip forward some six months
and to last week to be precise where Marc Anthony then proceeds
to get a quickie divorce in the Dominican Republic from his beauty
queen wife of 4 years (the couple has 2 young children) and the
pair are now husband and wife.
According ot reports the couple who met in 1999 tied the knot at
J-Lo's Los Angeles estate. White tents and an altar were set up
outside Lopez's house on Saturday, with folding chairs on both sides
of an aisle, Us reported. The two were married shortly after 6 p.m.
before about 40 guests. Lopez reportedly wore Neil Lane jewelry
and a white dress with a veil. Lopez's mother, Guadalupe, arrived
at the event in a limousine with Anthony according to ''Entertainment
The oddmakers in the UK have already condemmed the couple and have
them divorced by the end of the year odds on that happening is 3
to 1. Some has her tieing the knot more than 8 times in her life
beating Elizebeth Taylor also. Only time will tell.
- - Source: netscape.com
Movie Awards - surprises but no surprises here
here again. The 2004 MTV Movie Awards is front and center and stirring
the usual uproar in the media. For starters this year saw the awards
youngest host, 17-year-old actress Lindsay
Lohan with chaperones parents (comedians Andy
Richter and Rachel Dratch)
in tow.
The Awards as the norm lived up to it's usual flair with Carmen
Electra, Snoop Dogg
and Paris Hilton locking lips
(not all at once I might add), the Wayans
Brothers grabbing Brittany Murphy's
arse, and speaking of arses Eminem
showed his in the form of a moon in his band D-12
performance of their latest single 'The
Winners include the movies
'The Return of the King' and
'Kill Bill', with Uma
Thurman taking the award for Best Female and Johnny
Depp as Best Male for their roles in 'Kill
Bill Vol. 1' and 'Pirates of
the Carribean' respectively.
The awards will be shown on
MTV on Thursday Jun 10th at 9pm. The winners on the night are:
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Johnny Depp - Pirates
of the Caribbean: The Curse of the
Black Pearl
Uma Thurman - Kill
Bill Vol. 1
Jack Black - School
of Rock
Adam Sandler/Drew
Barrymore - 50 First Dates
Lucy Liu - Kill
Bill Vol. 1
Shawn Ashmore - X2:
X-Men United
Lindsay Lohan - Freaky
Owen Wilson, Carmen
Electra & Amy Smart - Starsky
& Hutch
Battle at Gondor - The
Lord of The Rings: The Return of the
Uma Thurman vs. Chiaki
Kuriyama - Kill Bill Vol. 1
Seann William Scott - American
Wedding - "Disco Dance Off"
(for MTV Europe only)
Martine McCutcheon - Love
- - Source: comingsoon.net
Stone is back with a new single, set to follow and is on tour
Stone is bringing the love back to soul music with a fresh new
single 'I wanna thank you' featuring Snoop Dogg. The new track
will be going to radio in the upcoming weeks and an album will
She is currently going on tour supported by one of the finest
drinks around. The Stone Love Concert Tour is supported by RémyRed®.
It kicked off in Atlanta on May 1 at the Midtown Music Festival.
And speaking of Remy Red, she even has a song about the drink,
which is one of her favorite drinks, on her album. The song appears
on her upcoming album, "Stone Love," which will drop
in July on J Records.
Stone apparently likes the drink so much, she also created a signature
Rémy Red cocktail, "The Girlfriend," together
with a New York-based mixologist. It consists of a blend of RémyRed
Red Berry Infusion and orange, pineapple, pomegranate and lime
juices with a splash of ginger ale. She's also partnered with
RémyRed to launch the RémyRed & Angie Stone
Girlfriend Getaway sweepstakes. "Angie attended a Rémy
Martin® event and had the opportunity to try RémyRed.
It was love at first sip," said Maria Tiu, Brand Manager
for RémyRed. "The song came out of her experience
with RémyRed. We loved the song and saw the opportunity
for a very positive intersection between the brand [RémyRed]
and Stone's persona. She really conveys the RémyRed image
-- a bold, confident, stylish woman who's not afraid to take charge
and has a great time doing it." "I've always been a
person to reach out … And when you reach out good things happen,"
says Stone. "I reached out to Remy to tell them about a song
I wrote because of a great experience I had at a Remy event. They
[Remy] were able to understand me as an artist and as a person.
They afforded me an opportunity to showcase my talents, not only
as a singer, but a marketer as well."
- Source: MTV.com
files suits against 493 people as file sharing continues to grow
It seems that they (RIAA) are showing no mercy as The Recording
Industry Association of America (RIAA) reported last Monday
that it has sued another 493 individuals for swapping songs or
file-sharing as it's more commonly known on peer-to-peer networks.
As the fight continues over the rights to do file-sharing over
the internet, it's popularity continues to grow in numbers. According
to the market research and marketing consulting firm Big
Champagne, up to 9.5 million Internet users were simultaneously
using file-sharing networks in April, compared to the figure of
7.4 million logged on seven months earlier in September 2003.
The RIAA has now sued a total
of 2,947 individuals since last September in an effort to demonstrate
its commitment to stop any and all file-sharing, according to
a Reuters report. Though the identities of most of the individuals
sued or being sued are unknown to the RIAA, the trade group said
on Monday that it has sued 24 individuals by name via issued subpoenas,
in what they call 'John Doe'
In January, an appeals court
ruled that several Internet service providers are not required
to reveal the identity of their customers. In retaliation, the
RIAA began pursuing these "John Doe" lawsuits to sue
file-sharers by name. The RIAA told Reuters that those sued by
name declined the group's offers to settle out of court. The RIAA
has reportedly settled 486 of these cases for around $3,000 each.
"Our continuing objective
is to send a message of deterrence, protect the rights of property
owners, and foster an environment where the legitimate marketplace,
both online and at retail, can flourish," RIAA President
Cary Sherman said in a recent
- Source: AP.org