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May 1st 2003


Beautiful and talented - Floetry Floetry- Say Yes (rmx) (Dreamworks)


Although they were introduced to most of us as songwriters (writing songs for the like of Michael Jackson, Glenn Lewis, Jill Scott and Bilal to name a few), the lovely ladies of Floetry - Natalie Stewart and Marsha Ambrosius are the toast of the town with their debut set 'Floetic'

Poetry, rhythm and music is brought to life in the form of these R&B beauties who's debut single Floetic made a strong impression to most that these ladies are truely talented as singers too. Their latest release 'Say Yes' even though is excellent in it's original form has garners an excellent remix version here.

The London natives rich vocals are prime and exquisite on this lavish ballad of a track. Soothing strings and a solid bass line flows effortlessly as the song takes shape giving you a lasting experience throughout the song - four minutes of heavenly smoothness to wet your appetite.

Their debut album is available in stores now so you might want to visit your favourite record shop and pick up a copy well worth the dosh I can tell you.
A TY-D Pick indeed. 

Listen to Floetry's 'Say Yes (rmx)'







Good to see you back Caron!Caron Wheeler - Another Star: fr: Conception - An Interpretation of Stevie Wonder Songs (Motown)


Seeing Caron Wheeler's back in the saddle again (so to speak) is a glorious thing. For a singer of her caliber and talent, she has been away for far too long.

Ever since Beach of the War Goddess Caron's been MIA the last decade or so. A few years back she had recorded some new material for an album called 'The Essence' which never saw the light of day. Well this latest offering comes courtesy of a tribute compilation.

The disc in question is Conception: An Interpretation of Stevie Wonder Songs and in case you haven't guessed it - it's a tribute to the works of the legendary Stevie Wonder. Caron's reindition of Stevie's wonderful 70s classic 'Another Star' is a stirring and moving piece that's well produced and features Caron in fine form (as per usual). Giving the song a more suttle tone, Caron delivers a solid performance that commands your attention.

The album boasts a who's who contributing to the set including legendary rock/blues guitarist Eric Clapton doing a stirring update to 'Higher Ground', Black Coffey and their remake of 'Rocket Love', India Arie and 'Wonderful' and Glenn Lewis doing 'Superstition'

Good to see Caron back she was definitely missed and I hope that we do hear (and see) more of her. A TY-D Pick indeed. 

Listen to Caron Wheeler's 'Another Star '





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