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Marlon Saunders Interview

Below is the interview I had with the very talented pianist, singer/songwriter/producer John Stoddart. This page is best viewed using IE 5.5 and higher and to listen to the audio sample/s you will need a media player (preferably Windows Media or Real Player)

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Sir TY (US contributing reviewer of M2F mag)

Dated: Nov. 28th 2004

Marlon Saunders Interview


Truly a man of significent talent, Marlon Saunders has been developing his natural skill from an early age. Born and raised in Maryland, the classically trained singer/songwriter and producer was naturally drawn to music. Getting his start writing jingles for Miiller Lite Beer commericals, he formed the cutting edge jazz-soul group Jazzhole and went on to record several albums with them. Now embarknig on a solo career, Marlon released his critically acclaimed solo debut 'Enter my Mind' a musical journey into this maestro's exceptional capabilities as a singer and songwriter. We recently caught up with Marlon during his UK gig as the London Jazz Cafe and spoke to him about his music and life as a jingles writer. (Invterviewed by Angharad Williams)

Sir TY: Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to do this interview. it's very much appreciated and your fans appreciates it too

Sir TY: Did you have a strict upbringing growing up and were your parents supportive of your career choice?

Sir TY: Who were your influences, growing up?

Sir TY: Before making it you wrote jingles for the Miller Lite Beer Company, what was your learning experience like while you were there and is it different to songwriting?

Sir TY: You've worked with Martha Walsh, Sting, Billy Joel and Michael Jackson all music icons in their respective fields, What was the work ethic like working with them?

Sir TY: Can you talk about working with the late Barry White on his 'Staying Power' LP?

Sir TY: Jazzhole is the group you formed with producer Warren Rosenstein, did the group have any ego clashing with you seeing that you formed and headed the group?

Sir TY: What was touring with Bobby McFarrin like for you was it your first tour experience?

Sir TY: What is your method for songwriting, do you draw from real life or fantasy?

Sir TY: What do you think of today's upcoming artists such as Donnie, Musiq, Jill Scott, N' Dambi and Erykah Badu and the whole 'Neo Soul' movement?

Sir TY: Do you play any instruments?

Sir TY: Is there anyone in the industry whom you'd like to work with and why?

Sir TY: Who's in your CD rack at the present time who do you enjoy listening to?

Sir TY: To date, what's been your biggest achievement?

Sir TY: What advice can you give a youngster aiming to take on the career of a singer?

Sir TY: Is there anything you'd like to say to your fans?


Thank you and continued success in pursuing your career.

Listen to Marlon Suanders latest hit 'Inspiration'

Listen to Marlon Suanders 'Coolin'





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